1. Classes and Groups held at The Hall, Royal Porcelain Works, Severn Street, Worcester are led by Anne Bradshaw – B.Sc(Hons) Healthcare, Dip MTI (Level 4 Anatomy & Pathology), CNCH, FHT, CThA, Hands on Babies Massage/Yoga Instructor.
  2. These terms and conditions are set out by Anne Bradshaw, in conjunction with Royal Porcelain Works.
  3. We aim to provide a safe environment. However, in the classes and groups parents and carers are responsible for the safety of their babies/children, and must be present throughout the session.
  4. Sleeping babies should not be left unattended outside the premises, or out of sight of the group or parents/carers. Any young children must be taken to the toilet by their parent/carer.
  5. If there is an accident please tell your class leader who will help you locate the first aid box. Class Leaders are trained first aiders, but will always contact and defer to the emergency services if appropriate.
  6. We have a child protection policy which will be adhered to, and leaders are DBS approved/Valid Criminal Records Checked.
  7. Any equipment is regularly sanitised. All blankets and pads are washed regularly in non-biological washing powder. However, should you be dissatisfied please make your class leader aware of this.
  8. Under no circumstances can any photographs or videos be taken during baby massage, baby yoga or parent/baby/toddler groups.
  9. There are baby changing facilities at the premises, however you may change your baby in the Hall if you so wish, but you need to be aware that there is a surveillance camera in situ for security purposes.
  10. If you need to feed your baby during the sessions please feel free to do so, but again be aware that there is a surveillance camera insitu in the Hall for security purposes.
  11. Please try to keep general chatter to a minimum during sessions so that the focus is kept on the children. There will be time to socialise before and after the sessions!
  12. Please arrive 10 minutes before the start of the session so that a registration form can be completed.
  13. Mobile phones should be switched off or on silent.
  14. Baby Massage & Baby Yoga classes are led by a Hands on Babies trained instructor, and you are forbidden to reproduce any part of the lessons in any form.
  15. We cannot accept any responsibility for the loss or damage of any personal possessions during, in or after our classes.
  16. If you or your baby suffer from a medical condition that you feel we need to know about please tell us and this will be noted and treated confidentially.
  17. If your child has a medical condition which is contagious please do not bring them to class during the contagious period, e.g. if they have sickness, diarrhoea, chicken pox impetigo, conjunctivitis etc. Please follow your Doctor’s advice and get the all clear before returning to any classes.  If you child has had sickness and diarrhoea they must be clear of all symptoms for at least 48 hours before coming to a lesson.
  18. In baby massage sessions we supply Organic Sunflower Oil.
    • The NHS recommends parents do not use any oils or lotions until their baby is one month old. This is because at birth, the top layer of a baby’s skin is very thing and easily damaged.  Over the first month (or longer in premature babies), a baby’s skin matures and develops its own natural protective barrier (NCT 2017).
    • One small study has suggested that twice daily use of 4 drops of sunflower oil for 4 weeks had a detrimental effect on the lipid structure of newborn skin (newborn to 4 weeks of age).  This study was carried out on newborn babies.  (Cooke 2016).
    • Infrequent use of sunflower oil, particularly in older babies is very unlikely to have any significant effect on a baby’s skin health.
    • Olive oil is not recommended, and coconut oil cools the skin and as babies cannot control their temperature it is best not to use this oil either.
    • You may wish to massage your baby very gently without any oil, or talk to your Health Professional and bring your own oil.
  19. If you have any concerns about possible allergic reactions, please speak to your Health Professional and bring your own approved oil.
  20. We hold Public Liability insurance to £6m.

V1 April 2019

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